Friday, March 30, 2012

Waiting for the Moon (1987) DVDrip

A few months in the life of Alice B. Toklas and Gertrude Stein. During this particular summer, they fear Gertrude is ill. As they await the results of medical tests, Alice attends to Gertrude in addition to giving assistance editing Gertrude's writing. They go driving (Gertrude drives, Alice navigates) and meet a young American on his way to fight in Spain. They visit Picasso, Fernande Olivier, and Apollinaire. Hemingway pays a call. A friend brings a fatherless baby whom Alice agrees to care for. Through it all, Gertrude takes Alice for granted, treating her abruptly and un-feelingly. Hemingway complains on Alice's behalf. Can Gertrude bring herself to tenderness?

Size: 676 MB
StarringLinda Hunt, Linda Bassett and Jacques Boudet
Runtime: 88 min